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Turagua for rfactor
  This is the website of the Turagua track development for rFactor, this is a personal project to test the waters of graphical utilities use, 3d objects creation and webpage design. And what could be a better subject to choose than motorsports?. I chose to revive and old archived project on my local racetrack and the best mod friendly racing sim ever! So, browse around, download the track, fire your game and race it!

Don't know what are we talking about?

rFactor is a racing game directed to the mod community developed by ISI, the main objective was to make a great racing engine that could be adapted to wide variety of motorsports disciplines, today you could race from a VW lupo to a fast BMW Sauber F1, from a very basic single seater to a Pagani Zonda, Lambo's or even a Truck! There are lots of racetracks available to suite your motorsport tastes.

What have we done

  • Very precise model of track layout with real ontrack measuring.
  • Original track surrounding objects with real photo horizon.
  • Night racing support with some of the already installed lighting system plus added lights for completion.
  • 25 originally located pit stalls with its real garage location.
  • 5 added pit stalls and two extra start lights for league racing (thanks Kev).
  • 44 car grid (with pit stall sharing), up to 60 pit garages.
  • Original clockwise plus counter-clockwise (reverse) road race modes.
  • Autox Club Copa style version were the track has added chicanes and slaloms (should mod you .PLR file for a "1" lap)

What do you need?

A running copy of rFactor you could buy online on their site (http://www.rfactor.net), you can download a working demo to see what are we talking about first. We also recommed you to visit rFactorCentral (http:www.rfactorcentral.com) were you could find tons of cars and tracks for your game.



Track information gathering         José Luis De La Blanca aka JL
Manuel Pazo aka Lito
Track layout calculationsJosé Luis De La Blanca aka JL
Models, Textures, AIW, CAMS, end everything elseManuel Pazo aka Lito

Special Thanks

Domingo Yanes, from Escudería 97, C.A. for providing the original map and the initial support for the track information gathering.

Jesús Hurtado aka Pacho, who has won races and championships there on a variety of cars,  for testing the track on its different stages and giving feedback on track objects, surface and racing line.

Alexander Muiños aka Amdfresh, for beta testing the track in all its different stages.

Also thanks

Jan Kohl (The Pits), Kevin White (TPTCC), Dougrun (iDT) and Damian Baldi aka Iguan for tests, comments and reviews. David Noonan for the 3dsimed program. The people of rfactorcentral for hosting a page for the wip and for all their support to the sim racing community.

Extra special thanks

My family, specially my wife who has been sooooo patient all this months, I love you.
Disclaimer: All brands and trademarks are property of their respective owners - All this development has no commercial purpose.
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